Canada announces its multi-year Immigration Level Plan

Updated: Nov 20, 2017 | Tags: Canada Visa, Canada Immigration, Canada eTA

In a bold move to address Canada immigration levels, during the course of the next three years, Canada will welcome around one million immigrants. This is the plan according to a new government strategy, which represents perhaps the most ambitious immigration plan in recent times.

Annual Canada immigration levels from now to 2020

The plan states that, by 2018, numbers of economic migrants, reunited families, and admitted refugees will rise to 310,000. This is an increase from 300,000 in 2017. In 2019, the numbers will go up to 330,000, peaking at 340,000 by 2020.

Canada's immigration minister stated that these new figures mean that, by 2020, Canada immigration will account for almost 1% of the population. The goal is to help with an aging demographic. The plan has been hailed as extremely ambitious. However, the Minister explained the reasoning behind the plan, stating that, back in 1971, each senior was represented by 6.6 people of working age. In recent years, this ratio has slipped to 4:2 and is likely to fall to 2:1 by 2036 if nothing is done. 

The government's Advisory Council on Economic Growth recommends increasing immigration numbers to an annual 450,000 immigrants come 2020. However, the government wants to take a more measured approach to make sure the scheme is a success. Reaching the figures in the current plan involved carefully listening to many different stakeholders and a measured approach will ensure all newcomers have the proper set-up to make a success of coming to Canada. 

Immigration will boost Canada's ecomony

The Minister for immigration stated that immigration promotes innovation and boosts the economy. In the same breath, he rejected accusations that immigrants simply deplete resources and put a strain on society. 

Also, as part of the new immigration initiative, the government is trying to cut immigration backlogs and make application processing faster and smoother. This will help families to be reunited and will lead to faster citizenship applications. No doubt a more efficient system will also impact on Canada visa and Canada ETA applications. At present, the Canada visa and Canada ETA processes are smooth and efficient, but an overall improvement in the immigration system can only further promote all programs that help people to visit Canada.

Criticism and support of the government's plans

Conservatives have criticized the new plan and believe the government should handle the task of integrating newcomers in a better way. They say that the government is only interested in a feel-good campaign to promote their current immigration system. One conservative MP said that the government needs to reorder Canada's immigration system by ending the Safe Third Country Agreement loophole and concentrating on assisting immigrants with language barriers, health, and mental health issues.

However, the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants responded positively to the announcement but hinted at the fact that numbers could be higher still. A spokesperson from the Association suggested that Canada would really prosper and thrive once the 350,000 level is reached. The Canadian Council of Refugees also responded positively to the announcement. However, they also wanted to see higher numbers of immigrants coming to Canada.

Expectations for longer-range planning

In the past, figures for immigrants who were allowed to enter Canada were set on a yearly basis. Now, provinces and stakeholders are asking for longer-range forecasts. The Immigration Minister for Ontario said that Ontario would support plans for increasing numbers of immigrants over multiple years as this will help with better predictability for immigration and better program planning.

The Ontario Minister said that wide-scale fluctuations in yearly immigration levels can have a dramatic impact on provincial resources. Therefore, a longer-term plan would help to predict what service levels and resources will be required to support the plan. This makes it clear that Ontario supports an increase in immigrants, particularly when it comes to supporting the likely growth in the economy that could ensue. 

Innovation could come from greater diversity

While the government was holding its consultation period for this latest immigration initiative, the Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance in Canada proposed its "Vision 2020". This is an audacious three-year plan aimed at tackling the increasing demographic shifts that Canada is experiencing. Part of these plans includes increasing numbers of refugees to balance these demographic shifts. The Alliance recommended targets of 350,000 immigrants for 2018, rising to 450,000 in 2020. 

The director of the Alliance called for a white paper or royal commission to address the country's immigration issues with the aim of developing a cohesive approach for the future. The director believes that increasing immigration will impact positively on economic growth and address the falling birth rate, the aging population, and growing early retirement levels. In conclusion, this can only be a positive step forward for Canada.